Preparing for Surgery

Preparing for your surgical procedure with Dr Wykes involves many of the usual steps you would expect before an operation. In addition, head and neck surgery often involves some further medical preparation and health considerations that will be discussed with you prior to your surgery.

Before the operation

Looking after your health

Looking after your health before surgery can help you cope better through all stages of your treatment and recovery. Things you can do to help include:

  • Stop smoking – if you smoke, you will be at higher risk of cancer returning and it can make side effects of treatment worse.

  • Avoid alcohol – alcohol can irritate any tumours or legions in the mouth and throat so it’s best to avoid it before and during your treatment.

  • Stay active – exercise is important for strength and recovery. Ask Dr Wykes about finding the right type of activity for you or about seeking help from an exercise physiologist.

  • Eat well – maintaining a healthy weight will help you recover well from treatment. Ask Dr Wykes about seeing a dietician to help with special diets or supplements as needed.

  • See a dentist – treatment for head and neck cancer in particular can affect your teeth, gums and jaw. Seeing a specialist dentist prior to any treatment is a good idea so you can plan for how to care for your mouth and teeth as part of your overall treatment.


  • Your surgery will usually be performed under general anaesthetic so you will not feel or remember anything. 

  • This means you will need to fast (no eating or drinking) before your operation. The exact details of fasting will be provided by the hospital prior to your surgery.

  • If you have any concerns about fasting, please speak to Dr Wykes before the day of your procedure.  


  • Please let Dr Wykes know about all the medications you are currently taking (including any prescription and over the counter medications) as some medications need to be stopped before you have surgery.

  • This is especially important for any blood thinning medications for a heart condition or blood clots (eg Warfarin, Plavix, Asprin Eliquis or Pradaxa), as well as diabetes medications.

  • Dr Wykes may prescribe different medications (eg a short acting blood thinner) as a replacement while you are preparing for and recovering from surgery.

Dr James Wykes Head Neck Surgeon Sydney

 Pre-anaesthetic consultation

Patients having major surgery will have a thorough pre-anaesthetic consultation. This may take place prior to your surgery, possibly at a separate appointment, to allow the anaesthetist and surgical team to better prepare for your surgery. What you can expect at your pre-anaesthetic consultation:  

  • A detailed health questionnaire including medical history

  • A physical exam and/or further tests to check your heart and lung health (as needed)

  • Any diagnostic or mapping procedures (xrays or scans as needed)

  • Blood and/or urine tests (as needed)

  • Time to ask questions

  • Reviewing and signing consent forms

Questions or concerns

Dr Wykes is very approachable and is always happy to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have about your surgery. If you are feeling anxious about what is happening, it can be helpful to:

  • Make a list of any questions or concerns you have prior to your surgery and make a time to speak to Dr Wykes or your care team about them.

  • This may include questions about what will happen during the operation, possible side effects from reconstructive surgery or changes to your appearance or voice, swallowing, hearing and other functions.

  • You may also have questions about recovery time and how soon you can return to work, exercise or other things you enjoy.

  • Bring a family member, close friend or support person along to appointments to help you take in everything that is being said.

Additional support and resources are always available so please don’t hesitate to raise any concerns.